**System Maintenance Notice** Dear Users, Please be informed that the system will be offline and unavailable on March 26, 2025, from 08:00 to 18:00 due to scheduled maintenance and system updates. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our services. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, LAT Systemadministration

Terms of Use of the LAT Learning Center

1 The e-learning platform
The LAT Learning Center serves as learning environment for delivering training material to students and employees of Lufthansa Aviation Training Operations Germany GmbH (LAT OPS DE) as well as other authorized user. It was created by the Dept. "Training Technologies" of LAT OPS DE using the Open Source Learning Management System ILIAS

2 About this agreement
  1. This agreement can be viewed online under the "User agreement" option on your personal login page and in the footer section of the content pages.
  2. LAT OPS DE may amend any provision of this agreement at any time. Amendments are effective as soon as they are published online at the above mentioned position. By continuing to use the LAT Learning Center you are accepting the amended agreement and you are bound by the terms of the agreement.
  3. Infringements against these regulations can have penal and civil law consequences.
  4. With the consent of this user agreement, the user accepts the validity of each individual regulation. The validity of each individual regulation is not affected by the validity of other individual regulations.
  5. If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact: Ralf Schröter eLearning@lat.dlh.de Schützenstraße 10, 12526 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 8875 5754
3 Copyright
By accepting this agreement you are expressly acknowledging that LAT OPS DE comprises information, texts, pictures, videos, graphics and other materials that are protected by copyright, trademarks or patent rights and that copyright and exploitation rights belong exclusively to LAT OPS DE or its licensors.
It is not allowed to duplicate, sell, transfer or publish or otherwise make content of the LAT Learning Center available.

4 Changes to the platform
LAT OPS DE may alter or discontinue parts or certain functions of the product at any time. LAT OPS DE can accordingly limit the use of and access to the Learning platform and the period and scope of use at any time. However, LAT OPS DE will endeavour to keep downtimes to a minimum and to ensure that all the functions are available at any time.

5 Warranty and product liability
  1. The provided information, programs and documents are intended solely for training purposes. Whenever a conflict or a perceived conflict exists against the aircraft or equipment vendor Manuals, the vendor's documentation must take absolute precedence. Please refer to the latest version of your company's Operating Manual and/or the actual system con figuration and layout for further information as other limitations and restrictions may apply.
  2. LAT OPS DE services, information and materials are offered as individual contracted and on an "as-is" basis.
  3. You expressly acknowledge that the LAT Learning Center information, programs and files are used at your own risk. LAT OPS DE does not warrant that the program functions will meet the user's requirements or that they will work together in the user's chosen selection. Neither the manufacturer nor the developer will be liable for any damage caused by use of the program.
6 Authoring, uploads and other user activities
  1. Users are obliged to avoid insulting, illegal or other statements and contents that infringe morals, and to respect the common rules of Netiquette - this, in a strict way with respect to their contributions to forums, chats and the contents of individually composed data, and, in a reasonable way, with respect to the establishment of links to other web pages or uploads of data of others. These requirements include specifically the obligation to comply with human and personal rights.
  2. Users are obliged to refrain, to the best of one's knowledge, from any action or data input on the LAT OPS DE server that leads to a malfunction in the handling.
  3. Users are obliged to preserve and protect the data inventory of the LAT OPS DE server. The non-authorized deletion or falsification of data, the espionage of obviously personal or protected data inventory and the misuse of data, access means, passwords or accounts constitute a serious infringement against this obligation and result in the exclusion of use, as well as potentially further penal or civil law consequences.
  4. It is not allowed to use the functionality of the LAT Learning Center for purely private purpose, namely the mail-, chat- and upload feature.
  5. There is no eligible for data backup or data/trace erasing by LAT OPS DE.
7 Authorisation, registration and password
  1. The login to the LAT Learning Center is solely allowed to users who have received an individual account (UserID and password) from LAT OPS DE. Exempted thereof is the public area if provided. It is automatically called, if no UserID is inserted at the login page.
  2. The password can be changed by user individually.
  3. Entry of personal data in the "Personal Profile" section is optional. These entries are solely visible for registered user.
  4. User is not allowed to disclose user ID and password to anyone. You are responsible for all use of LAT Learning Center that takes place by means of your user ID and password. You must ensure that your user ID and password are protected from unauthorised use. If you become aware of or suspect wrongful use of your access data, you must inform the LAT OPS DE without delay.
8 Privacy
  1. LAT OPS DE respect your privacy. Personal and user (learning) tracking data are collected by LAT OPS DE only for didactic or authority purpose.
  2. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of the information, HP utilizes appropriate physical, technical and administrative procedures to safeguard the information.
  3. These data will not be forwarded to any third party, neither for private nor commercial use. Not affected thereof are authority requests based on German and/or International law.
  4. Further on, all subjects of the Lufthansa Aviation Training GmbH privacy policy (LINK) are also applicable to the LAT Learning Center.
9 Notifications
LAT OPS DE can use e-Mail, postings within LAT Learning Center or conventional letter post to send you notifications. You can reach LAT OPS DE as described in Paragraph 2. Your communications to LAT OPS DE are effective from the date of receipt of the communication by LAT OPS DE.